L'estensione intelligente della mano dell'agricoltore

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More about us

SolarFertigation does everything your field need


Active automated fertilizer dosage system

icona pannellino energia
Energy self-sufficient

Energy self-sufficient Stand-alone scalable Photovoltaic system depedning on the field size

Recovery of unesed land

Fertile soils with no electricity reuse

icona monitor Temperatura
Monitor the conditions of your field

Check the temperature, humidity and soil moisture of your field

icona water saving
Smart water saving

Smart weather and machine learning integration

Machine learning driven database

Competitive advantages

Advantages of SolarFertigation

National Patent

National patent for industrial invention. Future ectension to the international level.


Dynamic crop database constantly improved thanks to machine learning processing.


The system allows the adaptation of crops to changing climatic conditions thanks to the interpretation of previous data


SF targets 4 SDGS of the 2030 Agenda

SolarFertigation integrates a stand alone photovoltaic system and makes clean energy accessible and economically advantageous in the agricultural production context

icona afforfable energy

SF through mathematical algorithms based on environmental data enables sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources

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The collection and processing of environmental data make it predictive models for adapting different crops to climate change

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SF allows the recovery of unused land in agriculture due to the lack of network infrastruc

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Competitive rewards


Winner of the National Competitioni Memprendo Italia 2015


2017 European Open Katana Call finalist

Finalist Call Internation Agroinnovationlab 2016

Call for proposal Industry 4.0 finalist in partnership with Cisco 2017

Among the thirty Start Up guests of ICE Ad Unbound London 2018

Participition in the 1st, 2nd and 4th International High Technology Exchange Organized by ICE

Selected as Project work of Samsung innovation camp 2019

Top IoT Italian Innovator Word Cup 2019

4th Workshop on Convergent Internet of Things (C-IoT) IEEE International Conference on Communications 20-24 May 2019 // Shangai, China

Our Team

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Sergio Strazzella

Senior Engineer Founder of Asepa Group

Decades of experience in both designe and construction of PV plants (over 100 plants and 50MW of power)

Paolo Strazzella

Co – Founder and Sales Director of Asepa Group

Master Degree in Economics dealing with the development of activities in foreign sites.

Stefano Marino


His research include agronomic and ecophysiological crop response to different environmental and nutritional stress

Marco Zupo


Degree in marketing and corporate communication (Aldo Moro University, Bari, Faculty of Economics and Commerce) – master in innovation, retail and E-marketing

Lorenzo D’Arcangelo

Mechanical Engineer

Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, at the Polytechnic of Bari. Since 2020 in SF System, collaborates in the hydraulic and electromechanical development of the system

Roberto Serio

R&D Engineer

Master’s Degree in Mechatronics at Polytechnic of Turin

Francesco Zito

R&D phD. Engineer

Master’s Degree in Mechatronics at Polytechnic of Turin

Contact us

SF System is a subsidiary company of ASEPA GROUP born in 2008 dealing with design, built pv plants and industrial electrical plant, cities led lighting system.

SF System Srl C.O. Asepa Energy Srl 
viale degli ulivi snc,
74020 Montemesola (TA)
099 964 6543

Asepa foto

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